Sunday, March 9, 2008

What's this blog about?

I have decided to create this blog to keep track of recipes that I've tried or attempted to make but had to throw away (read: botched up and rendered quite inedible). I will also be including food tips that I've discovered along the way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no foodie. My family typically lives off canned goods and take-outs, but this has to end because we now have an 8-month old baby to feed. And I'm not about to start feeding my Mamoy chicharon and fried eggplant for dinner :) (Yep, there are times when we look to Mr. R.L. Lapid for sustenance, we still do - No judgments, please. I'm sure you would've eaten chicharon for dinner if you had the chance).

Please note that the recipes which will appear on this blog are bound to be slightly (to heavily) modified to suit my family's taste. And you probably won't see any seafood dishes here (unless it involves fishballs, squidballs, or danggit).

Comments and suggestions are welcome and would be very much appreciated. I would ask that if you would like to leave a comment, that you think of this blog as my family's home and that you wouldn't say anything on this site that you wouldn't, as an invited guest, say in someone's home. Constructive criticism is welcome, as we all benefit from such advice. Rude, mean, or obnoxious comments are not welcome and will not be approved to post (that's me, gently escorting the misbehaving guest out of the house).


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